According to Little League rules, players must reside in OR attend a school located within our specified league catchment area, OR have a sibling attending a school located within our specified league catchment area in order to be eligible to play baseball with Langley Little League.
Langley Baseball's boundaries are as follows: east of 196 Street from the Fraser River to the border, and west of Brander Road from the Fraser River to the border. See map pictured below.
Returning players who have moved out of the geographic boundaries for Langley Little League will be grandfathered and remain eligible to play, but must provide all required information to the league president at
Residency shall be established and supported by documents containing the full residence which includes parent(s) or court-appointed guardian(s) name, street address, city, province, and postal code information, dated or in force between February 1 of the previous year and February 1 of the current year, from ONE or more documents from EACH of the three groups outlined below:
Group One
Group Two
Group Three
NOTE: Three documents from the same Group (utility bill, cable bill, and bank statement) constitute only ONE document. Any documents submitted as proof of residence must show customary usage or consumption to demonstrate bona de continuous habitation as determined by Little League Baseball, Incorporated in its discretion.
Proof of School Attended
School attendance shall be established and supported by a document indicating enrollment for the current academic year, dated prior to October 1 of previous year, and with the physical location of the school from ONE of the following categories:
NOTE: A school-issued report card/performance record will no longer be accepted to establish school attendance.
Players and their parents/guardians are advised that a false statement of residence or school attendance may lead to ineligibility to play Little League Baseball. Under NO circumstances does ANY person have the authority to grant a waiver that allows a child to play in a local Little League program IN ANY DIVISION, when that child does not qualify under these residency requirements. Any league who accepts any player outside of their boundaries and fails to properly document compliance with the “Residence and/or School Attendance Player Eligibility Requirement” or obtain a waiver through the Charter Committee may result in the disqualification of a player, team or entire league from regular season and/or tournament play.
If the claim for residency is challenged, three of the above materials must be submitted to Little League Canada Incorporated, with an affidavit of residency from the parent(s) or guardian(s), which shall decide the issue, and that decision will be final and binding. Residency documents must illustrate that the residence (as defined above) was inside the league’s boundaries for at least one-half of the regular season (as of June 15 of the year in question).
Winter Registration
Registration for Winter Clinics